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GASP Needs Your Help Cooling Down the Town

Writer's picture: Group Against Smog & PollutionGroup Against Smog & Pollution

Summer temperatures are here, and here to stay for a few more hot, sultry months. Running air conditioning uses a lot of electricity, which means a lot of coal and gas is being burned.

Pittsburgh’s Cool Roofs initiative is fighting back the heat, the air pollution, and the high utility bills, by painting the roofs of some city-owned buildings with a white, reflective coating. GASP is helping paint Friday, June 14, and we still need volunteers!

Come early, from 8:30 to 12:30, to paint the primer and first coat. Or join us to finish the job from 3:30 to 5. We’ll be painting the roof of a fire station at 7024 Lemington Avenue, Pittsburgh, 15206. Learn all you need to about the day from this guide. RSVP with Jamin by email or call at (412) 924-0604. A car pool and a bike pool is available as well.

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