Recent high-profile events in and around southwestern Pennsylvania have demonstrated just how quickly a complex issue like air quality can become all-consuming.
And when these incidents that threaten our health and well-being happen, residents expect their local elected and municipal officials to be able to help them.
At GASP, we want to make sure that if and when air quality issues crop up locally, community leaders will have the working knowledge they need to effectively serve their constituents.
That’s why we’re hosting a virtual workshop at 3 p.m. on April 19: To help municipal and elected leaders and their staff members establish a useful knowledge base and share resources and potential funding opportunities to help municipalities implement innovative environmental projects.
We hope to hear from participants about how air quality relates to their own strategies and goals to ensure a safe, healthy community for their residents. We’ll touch base on a wide variety of topics, such as open burning, asbestos abatement, and air quality monitoring - all of which will be covered in more detail in a written primer provided to all participants.
The workshop is free, and participants will be entered to win a free Purple Air monitor for their community. These easy-to-use monitors are simple and reliable - the data is automatically uploaded to a publicly available real-time map on their website.
Are you an involved community member looking to share information with your local government? Feel free to join us and take the information home with you and to your local borough, city, or township meeting.
Register here to reserve your spot.