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Side Street Stroll Series Starts This Saturday…Say that Five Times Fast.

Updated: Feb 26

Shorts and T-shirt weather is (almost) here! And Athletes United is kicking off the warm weather with the first of three hikes in our Side Street Strolls series, a partnership with Venture Outdoors.

The first hike will explore the South Side Flats from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. April 9th.

This will be a leisurely hike, with plenty of stops at hidden gems tucked in the back alleys of this historic neighborhood.

The itinerary includes stops at the CCI Center, Green Building Alliance, Oliver Bathhouse, and much more. We’ll stop for free snacks halfway through.

Please call Jamin at 412-325-7382 for more information, or go straight to Venture Outdoors to register.

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