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Petition: Don’t Spend Air Quality Funds on Office Renovation

Updated: Feb 21

Editor's Note: The petition period is now closed. Thank you to all who signed.

Allegheny County’s air quality is among the worst in the nation, ranking in the top 2 percent of U.S. counties for cancer risk from inhaled air pollution. Our region consistently struggles to meet the federal health-based standards for harmful ozone and fine particulates. Actions must be taken to improve our air quality and protect our health.

The Clean Air and Title V Funds are designated for air quality improvement projects and regulating major sources of air pollution. The Health Department wants to use millions of dollars from these funds to renovate an office building instead.

Allegheny County residents, please sign our petition to let the Allegheny County Board of Health know that you disagree with their choice to use this money on an office renovation, and that you support the money being used to on projects and programs that will clean our air.

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